The Problem with Judging

Wisdom of the Ancient Monks

Icon from St. Innocent Orthodox Church in Redford, MI by Archpriest Theodore Jurewicz

Why bother with these biographies, stories, and sayings of monastic men and women from centuries ago? What can these extreme ascetics have to say to us who live in more sophisticated and modern times? They may have had something to say to people of their own times but hasn’t the world evolved since? Have we not found that science delivers what we truly desire? Is not the pursuit of freedom and inclusion shown to be the true aims in life?

To these and other questions of the same ilk, I probably cannot give answers that will satisfy everyone. I have already admitted that these men and women appear strange to us. They simply refuse to act normal. Besides, how can I not see the wonderful advances brought about through science and the modern state. And yet, when…

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