Not Of This World

Following the election defeat and months of resistance by Trump culminating in the inglorious assault on our nation’s Capitol, a lot of Christians are disappointed. Their hero in office, the one who delivered on key issues and stood up for their causes, is grudgingly giving up his office. His boastful rhetoric has proven to be little more than sour grapes and undefendable bluster. Like the rest of the nation, these same Christians are shocked and appalled at the events that unfolded. They are suddenly aware that their strong position has evaporated into thin air. Leftists are calling for heads and have the backing of powerful media and the legislative majority. Nervous Christians everywhere are no longer talking loud. They are running for the hills, hiding behind rocks and in caves, cowering like dogs with their tails between their legs. For Christians nervous about their exposed position and the beginning of another four long years of liberal agenda, this is a time to pause and reflect. Your bullet-proof case of voter fraud was dismissed. Senators are blaming you and other Trump voters for all the evil that has transpired. You are as bad as the thugs who desecrated the sacred ground. You are seething about all this, and your anger should raise some flags. Not Confederate or “Don’t Tread on Me” flags, but metaphorical warning flags. You’re taking politics way too seriously. You have hitched Christianity to the conservative Republican platform. That is an association that Jesus never intended for you to make.When questioned by Pontius Pilate as to whether or not He was King of the Jews, Jesus replied, “My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:35). That statement alone informs us that following Christ is a matter of living differently. There is a different King that Christians serve. It is not Trump nor Biden nor Putin nor Elizabeth. In Christ’s Kingdom, Christians serve King Jesus. Jesus Before PilateJesus went on to say, “If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.” (John 18:36). The invasion of the Capitol was conducted by rightwing fanatics. The media got it right this time, calling it a “riot”, not just a mere protest. If there were Christians in that fray, fully convinced in their just cause, they were greatly mistaken. If there are Christians watching from their homes, shouting approval of this act of terrorism, their zeal is unfounded. They are Peter with the sword in the garden, severing the servant’s ear only to be rebuked by our Lord. They are missing the point entirely. They are not following their King. Jesus’ servants do not fight. Not this way.

Source: Not Of This World

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