✝️ REFLECTION CAPSULE FOR THE DAY – July 25, 2021: Sunday

“Allowing the Lord to ‘multiply loaves of blessings’ in our life, and to see with the eyes of faith, that such miracles take place daily in our life!”

(Based on 2 Kings 4:42-44, Eph 4:1-6 and Jn 6:1-15 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

The headmaster of the Catechism School was making a round across the corridors of the classes, when he heard the teacher asking her 2nd Standard (Grade) students:
“Children, what is the meaning of a miracle?”

Curious to know the response, the headmaster stood outside the class for a moment.

He was pleasantly surprised to see a little girl, raising her hand, and replying: “Teacher, a miracle is something that we cannot do, but Jesus can!”

The answer indeed pleased the headmaster.

And as he continued his rounds, he kept thinking to himself:
“So true! The many facts of my life…
… the blessings I enjoy
… the protection I experience
… the faith that I cherish
>> All these are indeed great miracles, that Jesus does in my life!

Miracle is indeed, something that I can’t do, but Jesus can!”

The Gospels give us many examples of great miracles worked by our Blessed Lord…
… that brought about transformations in the lives of people.

The Gospel of the Day is the beautiful presentation of the miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves.

This is the only miracle, besides the Resurrection of our Blessed Lord, that is mentioned in all the four Gospel accounts

Today we are presented with this account of the multiplication from the eyes of St John, the Evangelist.

The multiplication of the loaves fed a massive crowd.
>> “Five thousand men” could mean, that including women and children, it would have easily exceeded over twenty thousand people!

This easily was the miracle, according to the Gospels, that Jesus performed with the greatest number of witnesses and participants.

This miracle of the multiplication also reveals some of the finest qualities of Jesus, the Messiah…

1. His sensitivity to the needs of the people
While the disciples were just eager to send the crowd away, Jesus reaches out to them in compassion and love.

2. His ability to effect changes in the mind-set and thinking-pattern
The disciples could see no way, in that desert to feed the gigantic crowd. They had only question marks before them.
But Jesus, sheds new light on their minds and helps them find a solution, even in the seemingly impossible situation

3. His perfect control in a situation of panic
Though there would have been panic in the minds of the disciples, Jesus impresses upon them the fact, that He is in total charge and in complete control.
As the Lord and Creator, He knows exactly what is to be done in the moment of crisis and calamity.

4. His attitude of raising His heart in thanksgiving at every situation
We read that before the actual multiplication happened, Jesus “took the loaves, and gave thanks…” (Jn 6: 11)

It’s amazing to imagine that situation:
… Thousands and thousands of people, eagerly waiting, hungry and exhausted….
… Having just Five Loaves and the Two Fish – which was scarcely able to meet the hunger of a couple of people…
… Jesus still raises His Heart in thanksgiving and gratitude!

It is tremendous faith that allows a person to raise one’s mind in gratitude, even in the midst of utter poverty, deep need and barren nothingness!

5. His consciousness to gather the remaining pieces, after the miracle
The Lord, “Who came save and seek the lost” is also highly mindful of gathering up the remaining broken pieces of the loaves.
The disciples get trained to become aware of “what is often considered as wasteful” can also become resourceful!

The disciples are reminded that even things that are usually “discarded” and regarded as being “unwanted and useless”, can become sources of strength and nourishment!

This beautiful and unique miracle of the multiplication, is a reminder to each one of us also:

Am I able…
(1) … to be sensitive and responsive to the needs and desires of those around me?

(2) … to see the brighter side of life, with the Grace and strength from God, and rub the fragrance of this positivity onto others in my life?

(3) … to rise above the situations of panic and disturbances, and be calm, knowing that I have a God, who is ultimately in total and perfect control of every situation of turmoil?

(4)… to lift up my heart to the Lord, in thanksgiving, at every moment and situation of life, even when the chips are down or when I pass through the dark tunnels and the deep, despairing valleys life?

(5)… to be aware of the “unwanted” talents in me, the “excess” people of the society and the “discarded” peripherals of the world, and seek to make the best use of them and collect them to be part of the mainframe scene?

This miracle of the multiplication of loaves is an invitation to all of us…
… to allow the Lord to “multiply loaves of blessings” in our life…
… and to see with the eyes of faith, that such miracles take place daily in our life!

… the blessings we enjoy
… the protection we experience
… the faith that we cherish
>> All these are indeed great miracles, that Jesus does in our life!

Miracle is indeed, something that we can’t do, but Jesus can!

God Bless! Live Jesus!

– Fr Jijo Jose Manjackal MSFS
Bengaluru, India

📖 Discovering the beauty of the Catholic Church through the Catechism
>> The Scriptures had foretold this divine plan of salvation through the putting to death of “the righteous one, my Servant” as a mystery of universal redemption, that is, as the ransom that would free men from the slavery of sin.
>> Citing a confession of faith that he himself had “received”, St. Paul professes that “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures.”
>> In particular Jesus’ Redemptive Death fulfils Isaiah’s prophecy of the suffering Servant.
>> Indeed Jesus himself explained the meaning of his life and death in the light of God’s suffering Servant.
>> After His Resurrection, He gave this interpretation of the Scriptures to the disciples at Emmaus, and then to the apostles. (Cf. CCC # 601)

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