Greyhound (2020)

Movies - Inside Out

An intense, realistic World War II drama with a packed 90 minute runtime.

Directed by Aaron Schneider and written by Tom Hanks himself, Greyhound depicts one of the initial involvements of US in the World War II in early 1942, during the battle of Atlantic. The Germans deposited large number of U-boats to disrupt the convoys of supplies between US and Britain. US Navy commander Ernest Krause is on his first war time duty in command of a war-ship codenamed Greyhound, along with two British war ships, escorting 37 allied ships carrying the supplies. When the fight between the warships and the German Wolfpack of U-boats are at its peak, Krause has to keep his calm while commanding a visibly tensed crew.

Spending most of its run time in deep Atlantic Ocean, the movie is totally packed with intense naval combat. There won’t be time to…

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