Rhema Jan 15, 2022… A Word to a doubting Martha ❤️ Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

Rhema Jan 15, 2022… A Word to a doubting Martha ❤️ Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber


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A Word to a doubting Martha

Heavenly Gifts – February 16, 1843

1. May you give this to ‘Martha’, she of little sin, upon her name’s day!

2. “Whoever sees Me sees the one who has sent Me.” Truly, truly, if you embrace someone whom I have sent, Then you embrace Me as well. But whoever embraces Me, embraces the one who has sent Me. For I and the Father are completely one.

3. “Believe in the light while you have it, so you may become a child of the light!” Whosoever possesses My love and continually preaches it, loving his brothers and sisters, he will certainly be recognized as a disciple out of Me. For it says in the Scripture… “When you have love amongst yourselves, everyone will recognize that you are My disciples.”

4. When you little ‘Martha’ have a proper disciple at your side, who, according to My Word, is easily recognizable as such by his love, why is it that you have doubts about him in your heart and do not believe his words? However, I say to you… If you have more trust in the clergy than in one of My disciples, then stay with that faith, and I shall never judge you. On the other hand, being on the fence is not good at all. For you can hardly serve two masters.

5. You are diligent in housekeeping and you enjoy going to the prayer house. But you see, I am more than the housekeeping, and the prayer house! – You cling more to the flesh than to the spirit, and are a ‘Martha’. But life only dwells in the spirit, not in the flesh!

6. So strive for what is spiritual, that is how you will find the true, eternal life. And if you wish to love Me, love Me with the spirit, but not with the heart of flesh!

7. You must not be a coquette nor have a double love. Rather you most wholly love Me with a firm heart, and not with one half here and another there.

8. Should you ask where I am, I will tell you… Where there is true love, there I an also, and My kingdom with Me! – I am, however, not within the ‘wall’, nor within the old temple of Jerusalem, where the curtain has been torn.

9. May you understand this and live accordingly, that is how you will truly recognize where these words come from, if from My servant, or from Me.

10. Be devout in your heart and always remember Me! That is what I ask of you from this day forward! Amen.


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