In the name of the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, in the name of Jesus Christ, his only begotten son, our Lord and Savior, in the name of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, through the intercession of St. Michael, the Archangel, of the ever blessed Virgin Mary, of the blessed apostles Peter Paul and Thomas and St. George, St. Antony, St. Augustine, and St. Alphonsa and all the apostles and saints, and with the authority of the priesthood conferred on me, I rebuke and command every spirit of darkness and oppression and obsession and affliction to depart from me (this person, place) to be bound and cast out to the outside darkness. Let Jesus take care of you satan, let Jesus send you bound to the outside darkness.

In the name of Jesus, Son of living God, in the name of Jesus, Son of the ever blessed Virgin Mary, I challenge every spell and work of darkness and I command you to go the feet of Jesus, to be bound and not return. Let the precious blood of Jesus cover me (this person, and place) And let me (him / her) experience the fullness of Jesus redemption.
Thank you Jesus

St Michael

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