A Nice Time For the Friends


Henry and Peter, as the best of friends, made it a point to go for a ride together every weekend without fail.

This past Saturday they were driving down Route 81 when they noticed a sign saying that the left lane was for the Mirage, while the right lane was for the Oasis.

‘The difference between a mirage and an oasis,’ Henry reminded Peter, ‘Is that a mirage is only an illusion, life’s junk food, which isn’t necessarily bad if it’s only indulged in exceptionally rarely but gets so awfully seriously creepy when it becomes a habit.’

‘Yeah, I get it,’ said Peter, ‘And an oasis is a necessary healthy respite, which, of course, everyone needs on a regular basis.

Unfortunately the traffic in each lane, no matter which one they chose, was always quite a trip to the crazy house but whenever they stayed in the right lane, they…

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