How Has Covid-19 Changed Hiring


Many people will agree that COVID-19 has greatly shifted life as we know it. From doing our daily routine, socialising with others, and to conducting our businesses โ€“ everything was re-envisioned to include precautions against the virus.

In the field of recruitment, companies and businesses have come up with various ways to keep their businesses afloat and find the right people for the jobs that they have open.

But, how exactly did hiring practices change during the pandemic and what should you do to get the job you are applying for at this time? Here are the ways on how the pandemic changed recruitment and what you can do to improve your chances of being accepted.

AI Technology

Even before the pandemic, companies and businesses that can afford AI technology are using the innovation to the make candidate search, screening, and assessment much faster than traditional means.

AI technology canโ€ฆ

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