Our Cross and His Yoke


‘Take my yoke upon you … For my yoke is easy’ (Matt. 11:29, 30). ‘Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple’ (Luke 14:27).

A yoke usually joins two things, persons, animals. A yoke may have a bucket at each end, the burden on the carrier’s shoulder; or it may rest on the necks of two oxen, the burden suspended between the mid-point of the yoke. In the case of persons, the figure is to share a burden as two oxen under a common yoke.

Sometimes we are enjoined to cast all our care upon the Lord (1 Peter 5:7) but in the context of Matthew 11:29 Jesus means that the burdens of our life should be brought to Him where we share them with Him. There we find rest unto our souls. We still have the burden and with it Jesus’ yoke—but…

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