Grace for the Moment

From The Darkness Into The Light


Obey theLordwith great fear.Psalm 2:11

mary and Mary [Magdalene] knew a task had to be doneโ€”Jesusโ€™ body had to be prepared for burial. Peter didnโ€™t offer to do it. Andrew didnโ€™t volunteer โ€ฆ So the two Marys decide to do it โ€ฆ

I wonder if halfway to the tomb they had sat down and reconsidered. What if theyโ€™d looked at each other and shrugged, โ€œWhatโ€™s the use?โ€ What if they had given up? What if one had thrown up her arms in frustration and bemoaned, โ€œIโ€™m tired of being the only one who cares. Let Andrew do something for a change. Let Nathanael show some leadership.โ€

Whether or not they were tempted to, Iโ€™m glad they didnโ€™t quit. That would have been tragic. You see, we know something they didnโ€™t. We know the Father was watching. Mary and Mary thought they were alone. They werenโ€™t. Theyโ€ฆ

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