Men of the Bible

From The Darkness Into The Light

Duration: 365 days


His name means:“He Laughs”

His work:Isaac was an accomplished farmer and herdsman.
His character:The only son of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac at a young age witnessed, through the faithfulness of his father, the meaning of obedience. He was gentle and hardworking.
His sorrow:As an old and feeble man, Isaac was victimized by the deception of his son Jacob and to his later dismay gave him the blessing that he had intended for his older son, Esau.
His triumph:Isaac is considered one of the three great patriarchs. For millennia his progeny have revered him.
Key Scriptures:Genesis 25-27


When a man is hugely successful in his work, everyone notices. Some of those people celebrate his prosperity; others hate him for it. That is what Isaac experienced. He is one of the early farmers in the Scriptures with…

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