Book Review: 3000 Miles to Jesus by Lisa Deam

My Pastoral Ponderings

We are not left to find our way alone, for God is at once our destination and our means of reaching it.

Lisa Deam, 3000 Miles to Jesus

What might it mean to view this life as a pilgrimage? Even in the midst of this pandemic, when travel is difficult, life is still a journey, as many have pointed out. But the Christian life is not just a journey, it is a pilgrimage. We are pilgrims on our way to “the city that shimmers beneath a horizon we cannot yet see,” as Lisa Deam puts it in her wonderful new book.

We’re going to Jerusalem, the city at the center of the world – the city where Jesus waits to welcome us home.

Lisa Deam, 3000 Miles to Jesus

Viewing life as a pilgrimage can help us to travel through the ups and downs of this life with faith and…

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