Quote of the day, 20 April: St. Raphael Kalinowski

Carmelite Quotes

We must not doubt that God in His mercy has allocated to each one a task that is to be completed in this world. The same applies to the religious life, and if God chooses someone for this way of life He may include some early signs of this vocation. These signs can manifest themselves not only by good conduct, or some special talents, but mainly by an attraction towards spiritual exercises, by great modesty, tenderness of conscience, deference to colleagues, etc. If these characteristics, instead of developing over time, begin to slowly fade or even disappear completely, that must be attributed to negative external influences or the negligence of the people assigned to educate the boy… If a boy, as often happens in our day, lived some time in an unfavorable environment, it is quite a different matter, especially when at the age of twelve or thirteen he begins…

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