അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) September 25th – St. Firminus of Amiens & St. Albert of Jerusalem

അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) September 25th – St. Firminus of Amiens & St. Albert of Jerusalem


അനുദിന വിശുദ്ധർ (Saint of the Day) September 25th – St. Firminus of Amiens & St. Albert of Jerusalem

St. Albert of Jerusalem
Patriarch of Jerusalem and patron of the Carmelite Order. He was an outstanding ecclesiastical figure in the era in which the Holy See faced opposition from Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. Serving as a mediator in the dispute between the emperor and Pope Clement III, Albert was made an imperial prince, a sign of favor from Barbarossa. Albert was born in Parma, Italy, about 1149, probably to a noble family. He became a canon at the Holy Cross Abbey in Mortoba. In 1184 he was appointed as the bishop of Bobbio, Italy, and soon after he was named to the see of Vercelli. It was during this period of service as the bishop of Vereelli that he served as mediator between the pope and emperor. In 1205, Albert was appointed the patriarch of Jerusalem, a post established in 1099 when Jerusalem became a Latin kingdom in the control of Christian crusaders. Jerusalem, however, was no longer in Christian hands, as the Saracens recaptured the city in 1187. The Christians needed a patriarch, but the position was open not only to persecution but to martyrdom at the hands of the Muslims. Albert accepted and he proved himself not only diplomatic but winning in his ways. The Muslims of the area respected him for his sanctity and his intelligence. Because of teh Muslim presence in Jerusalem, Albert took up residence in Acre (now called Akko), a northern port. There he became involved in a concern that assured his place in religious history. Overlooking the city and bay of Acre is the holy mountain called Carmel. At the time, a group of holy hermits lived on Mount Carmel in separate caves and cells. Albert was approached by St. Brocard, who was the prior or superior of the group of hermits. In 1209, the hermits asked Albert to draw up a rule of life for them, a rule that would constitute the beginning of the Carmelite Order. Albert’s rule regulating the monastic life of these men included severe fasts, a perpetual abstinence from meat, silence, and seclusions. Pope Innocent IV mitigated the rule in 1254, allowing that it was too rigorous. Albert mediated the dispute among various groups in Palestine and conducted Church affairs. He was called to the general council of the Lateran in 1215 but was assassinated before leaving Palestine. A madman that he had discharged from a local hospital stabbed him during the procession on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

St Firminus of Amiens
St Firmin, son of a senator, was a native of Pampeluna in Navarre. With his father he was taught the Christian faith by Honestus, a disciple of St Saturninus, the bishop of Toulouse, himself the disciple of St Peter the Apostle. St Firmin, who had been confided by his father to Honestus for his education and had accompanied him on his apostolic journeys, was eventually consecrated bishop by St Honoratus, successor to St Saturninus at Toulouse. Firmin received the mission to preach the Gospel in the remoter parts of the Occident, or Gaul. He had not yet suffered persecution. Desiring martyrdom, he decided to go to a center of paganism in the north, in what is now Normandy, near Lisieux. There he was arrested and imprisoned for a time by the pagans. When delivered, he continued on towards the north, to a region where St Denys of Paris had baptized many. He confirmed the Christians in their faith, and went wherever a soul might have need of him. The Roman authorities heard of him and arrested him; the Saint generously confessed Jesus Christ in their presence. Again he was imprisoned, but released when the prefect and his successor both died suddenly. He was obliged, however, to flee secretly. When he arrived at Amiens, he placed his residence there and founded a large church of faithful disciples. Amiens conserves the memory of the day he arrived and preached fearlessly there beside a temple of Jupiter. He taught aloud the salutary doctrine of Christianity to all who came to listen. Many conversions followed, even among the authorities of the city, including the senator. And then two Roman officials, Longulus and Sebastian, heard of him and came to the city. The pagan priests saw their opportunity, when all the city residents were convoked to appear before the visitors. The two officials explained that the capital penalty was decreed for those who did not obey the imperial edicts, not offering incense to the gods and honoring them. They then told them of one who always refused to do so, and St Firmin, after an eloquent defense of the religion of Christ, was imprisoned. He finally saw his most ardent desire fulfilled when certain soldiers decided on their own to accomplish the imperial orders, and came with swords to his prison at night, where they decapitated the bishop. He died, filled with joy at their coming. This occurred under the reign of Trajan in the first years of the second century.


⚜️⚜️⚜️ September 2️⃣5️⃣⚜️⚜️⚜️

വിശുദ്ധ ഫിന്‍ബാര്‍

കോര്‍ക്കിന്റെ പുണ്യവാന്‍ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന വിശുദ്ധ ഫിന്‍ബാര്‍, കോര്‍ക്കിനടുത്തുള്ള അക്കായിദ് ദുബോര്‍ക്കോണ്‍ എന്ന സ്ഥലത്തായിരുന്നു ജനിച്ചത്. ഒരു ഇരുമ്പ് തൊഴിലാളിയായിരുന്ന അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ പിതാവ് പിന്നീട് തൊഴില്‍ തേടി മുണ്‍സ്റ്റര്‍ എന്ന സ്ഥലത്തേക്ക് മാറി ഒരടിമ സ്ത്രീയെ വിവാഹം ചെയ്തു. ഇതിനിടെ ഫിന്‍ബാര്‍ അറിയപ്പെടാത്ത മൂന്ന്‍ സന്യസിമാര്‍ക്കൊപ്പം വീട് വിട്ടു. കുറേക്കാലം സ്കോട്ട്ലാന്റില്‍ താമസിച്ചതിനു ശേഷം ഗൌഗാന, ബരാ ദ്വീപിലെ കില്‍ക്ലൂണി തുടങ്ങി നിരവധി സ്ഥലങ്ങളില്‍ തന്റെ നാമധേയം പേറുന്ന നിരവധി സന്യാസാലയങ്ങള്‍ വിശുദ്ധന്‍ സ്ഥാപിച്ചു.

അദ്ദേഹത്തെപ്പറ്റി നിരവധി കഥകള്‍ നിപ്രചരിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. അതിലൊന്നു, അദ്ദേഹം ഒരു മാലാഖയാല്‍ ഗൌഗാന ബരായിലെ ലീ നദിയുടെ ഉത്ഭവസ്ഥാനത്തേക്ക് നയിക്കപ്പെടുകയും അവിടെ അദ്ദേഹം തന്റെ ഏറ്റവും പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട ആശ്രമം സ്ഥാപിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു എന്നതാണ്. അവിടെ നിന്നുമാണ് കോര്‍ക്ക് സിറ്റി വികസിച്ചതെന്നാണ് വിശ്വാസം.

ഗൌഗാനയിലെ തടാകത്തിലെ ഭീകര സര്‍പ്പത്തെ വിശുദ്ധന്‍ കൊല്ലുകയും അങ്ങനെയുണ്ടായ ചാലില്‍ നിന്നുമാണ് ലീ നദി ഉത്ഭവിച്ചതെന്നുമാണ് മറ്റൊരു കഥ. 633ല്‍ ഫിന്‍ബാര്‍, ക്ലോയ്നെ എന്ന സ്ഥലത്ത് വച്ച് നിത്യസമ്മാനത്തിനായി വിളിക്കപ്പെട്ടു. പിന്നീട് അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ തിരുശേഷിപ്പുകള്‍ കോര്‍ക്കിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ട് വരികയും വെള്ളി കൊണ്ടുണ്ടാക്കിയ അള്‍ത്താരയില്‍ സ്ഥാപിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു.

ഇതര വിശുദ്ധര്‍

1. ഔക്സേര്‍ ബിഷപ്പായിരുന്ന അനാക്കാരിയൂസ്

2. പലസ്തീനായിലെ ഔറേലിയായും നെയോമിസിയായും

3. ഫ്രാന്‍സിലെ ഔക്ക് ആര്‍ച്ചു ബിഷപ്പായിരുന്ന ഔസ്റ്റിന്‍റൂസ്

4. ഏഷ്യാ മൈനറിലെ ബര്‍ഡോമിയന്‍. യുക്കാര്‍പ്പസ്

5. അയര്‍ലന്‍റിലെ ബാര്


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