Ajna George passionately speaking on her experience working with Jesus Youth ministry

Ajna George passionately speaking on her experience working with Jesus Youth ministry


April 2nd remarks birthday of our beloved angel Ajna George.
Birthdays were always special for Ajna, be it anyone’s. She will make sure that they have the best day of the year on that day even for Jesus on the Christmas day!
Yet another speciality is that she will make sure that she gets to bless them with a sign of cross on their forehead when she wishes them happy birthday.

This video was recorded in 2015 at SH college, Thevara for a Jesus Youth event called Soultice. Ajna speaks so passionately about the way she got to lead the same program last year and how God guided her and her team through unimaginable ways making the program so fruitful for the SH Jesus Youth community as well as all the participants then. Towards the end she wishes the present team with prayers and support and motivates the team to go forward trusting in the Lord who can help them do all things in the right time and place.

VIDEO CREDITS: Jesus Youth SH College 2015, Christy Jackson, Alwin Xavier….


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